Publisher’s Soap Box: Trump Administration Issues Executive Orders on Imported Timber and Land Management - Mar 7, 2025 

The Department of Commerce will issue a report with recommendations from its investigation. Some possibilities include: tariffs, export controls, incentives to increase domestic production, and policy ideas for strategic investments and permitting reforms. Growing America's forest products sector would be great. It just may take too much time to get the machine moving to make much difference in the short-term.; DOC Announces Antidumping Rate for Latest Review Period: The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) just announced its preliminary decision on softwood lumber from Canada. The DOC conducts a yearly review to assess market changes to duty rates in trade cases.; Auctions: March 27, 9am CST. Virtual/Online. Accepting consignments; March 29, Formerly 7-11 Shelby Lumber. 9am CST. Center, TX. All equipment like new.
